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April 30, 2024

Episode 15: William of Bodmin

Mikey and Darrell chat with the creative writer, cabinet maker and refugee from the Midlands William Draycott. Resident of the ancient town of Bodmin in Cornwall's brooding moorlands. The theme is stories. But you know how it goes by now.

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April 30, 2024

Episode 13: No customer, no frustration, no Innovation

Notes from the Innovation coalface; from our guest Costas Papaikonomou who has been there and got the T-Shirt. Costas also gives advice on investing in eco startups and insights into how often super intelligent people skip the fundamentals and waste brainpower on irrelevant detail. Also; another annoying example of how…

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April 30, 2024

Episode 12: Branding Systematic Innovation

Special guest Kathleen (aka Trinity) tries to fathom out Darrell (Morpheus). Will she take the Red Pill, the Blue Pill or bring out the Yellow Ribbon?

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April 30, 2024

Episode 11: Eleven Million Case Studies

Episode 11: Eleven Million Case Studies

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April 30, 2024

Episode 10: Ritual

We intended to have the theme of ritual and environment vs receptivity and and got lost in Bullet Ants, Mormons, Cookies, The Matrix, Immutibility, Soccer Referees and Stand Up Comedians. All the usual. There was some serious stuff hidden in the middle if you like that sort of thing. Something…

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April 30, 2024

Episode 9: Grit

Stormy seas separate spark and success. 98% of innovations fail along the way. Stormy seas are just one hurdle to overcome when paddling a kayak around a country. Are there parallels? Lessons to learn? Two veterans of the watery world, John Willacy and Jon Hynes share their hard-won insights.

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April 30, 2024

Episode 8: Beyond Democracy

Democracy is creaking at the seams. Is there a better system waiting in the wings? Mikey and Darrell seek the Ideal Final Result!

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April 30, 2024

Episode 7: Human Immutability

Unchanging people in a changing world, why do change projects fail? Darrell and Mikey are joined by anthro-complexity guru and cowgirl Shana Finnegan to help rope this tricky steer. Book Referenced: Thinking In Systems: A Primer

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April 30, 2024

Episode 6 Part 1&2: Desert Island Disco with Guest Darrell Mann (Unplugged)

Host Mikey delves in the life story of Darrell, finding out which music tracks he would like to take on his personal desert island. If you want to hear the music listen to the audio version

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April 28, 2024

Episode 5: The Plausibility Test - Plotting the end of Humanity

In which Mikey and Darrell try to come up with the storyline of a thriller, the next Times No. 1 Best Seller Somewhere along the way, they lose the plot! Who could have predicted this? The Singularity Is Not Near Haier’s self-evolving organization

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April 28, 2024

Episode 4: Systematic Innovation - Where's the Buzz?

Darrell and Mikey try and fathom out the reasons that systematic innovation is not widely adopted in its time of need. Mikeys law of cakes. The Culture Wars explained in a new way.

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Jan. 28, 2024

Episode 3: Trust

What is the connection between the Worshipful Company of Fan Makers and Darrell? Just how traumatised is Mikey after being scammed out of £7000? and more...

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Jan. 28, 2024

Episode 2: Future Learning

In which Mikey and Darrell ponder the uncertain road ahead for education. What advice would you give your grandchild? In which Mikey and Darrell ponder the uncertain road ahead for education. What advice would you give your grandchild?

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Jan. 28, 2024

Episode 1: Getting Started

In which, Darrell tries and fails, to convince you, that he is not an evil alien reptile. Mikey asks a great question about whether there are lessons to be learned from the Catholic Churches long running efforts to contain heretical thought. Which gets ignored, and we discuss the "Book the…

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